I am not ashamed, but this is basically what I have been doing lately! If anyone is killing anything, send me the pics so I can have a little something to be more jealous about!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Things On My Mind!
- I AM BORED OUT OF MY MIND...Ready for Dove Season!
- Texas Game Wardens Seize 10,000-plus feet of Gill Net and Nearly 2 Tons of Marijuana! That is a lot of dope... WHOLE LOT!
- I'm starting Phase 1: Training my dog to hunt deer sheds!
- I will let you know how that goes by shed season next year...
- Would you believe we still haven't heard a word from our guy who is supposed to be putting together our new website... very frustrating!
- There is a new duck decoy company called Spirit Water Decoy Company that I found on Facebook and could not tell the difference in the decoys compared to the live ducks... I told them I was a duck guide and they are sending me a dozen decoys to try out this season.
- The gentleman I talked with said ducks will fly over any other decoy just to land next to these...And for the price of $499 a dozen, they swear by there product! I'm excited as ever to try them out! Of course I will have a full review of them after I hunt with them a couple of times.
- No Weekly Motivational Poster this week... They are getting harder to find considering I've put one up every Wednesday for the last 2 years.
- I had a buddy take his dad to New Zealand this week for a hunting adventure that he bought for Father's Day... so far they have taken down a Tahr, Chamois, and Fallow Deer. I had no idea what the first 2 were till I saw the pictures!
- That's one hell of a Father's Day gift!
Can you guess which are real, and which are decoys?Thanks to Spirit Water Decoy Company!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Bear Hunts!
Bridgeport, Texas own Taylor and Amber Everett's Washington costal black bears. Both will square out about 6 1/2 to 7 feet and weigh between 300-350lbs. Great hunt, long sits though( 10 hrs a day) but well worth it!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Bear Close Up
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Texas Game Warden Field Notes
-Drifting Away
Two Val Verde County game wardens responded to a distress call involving a small child trapped in a drifting boat. The boat had drifted into the middle of Lake Amistad with a 7-year-old child, and the family was unable to retrieve it. The wardens quickly responded with their patrol boat, found find the vessel and reunited the young boy with a very grateful family.
Two Val Verde County game wardens responded to a distress call involving a small child trapped in a drifting boat. The boat had drifted into the middle of Lake Amistad with a 7-year-old child, and the family was unable to retrieve it. The wardens quickly responded with their patrol boat, found find the vessel and reunited the young boy with a very grateful family.
-The All-Knowing Game Warden
A Floyd/Hale County game warden saw the driver of a pickup truck shoot a .22 rifle into a wheat field across the street about 30 feet away from where he was stationed. While the warden tried to get a license plate number, the vehicle took off and stopped about 100 yards down the road. The driver then fired another shot into the field. The warden took off in the direction of the vehicle and caught up to the driver a few miles down the road. The driver admitted to shooting grackles in the field and did not seem happy to be stopped. He then told the warden he knew what he was doing was wrong and that he should go find a real criminal. The driver then asked the warden how he knew that he was the one who had shot off the road and wanted to know who told on him. The warden politely let the individual know that he sees everything that goes on and left it at that. The man received a citation for hunting from a public roadway.
A Floyd/Hale County game warden saw the driver of a pickup truck shoot a .22 rifle into a wheat field across the street about 30 feet away from where he was stationed. While the warden tried to get a license plate number, the vehicle took off and stopped about 100 yards down the road. The driver then fired another shot into the field. The warden took off in the direction of the vehicle and caught up to the driver a few miles down the road. The driver admitted to shooting grackles in the field and did not seem happy to be stopped. He then told the warden he knew what he was doing was wrong and that he should go find a real criminal. The driver then asked the warden how he knew that he was the one who had shot off the road and wanted to know who told on him. The warden politely let the individual know that he sees everything that goes on and left it at that. The man received a citation for hunting from a public roadway.
-Fishing for Trouble
A Hemphill County game warden and an Ochiltree County game warden observed a group of nine people in a remote section of Palo Duro Lake, upstream from the main lake in an area that is rarely used recreationally. Undetected, the two wardens approached the group on foot and saw various actions associated with possible illegal fishing activity. After watching the group for a while, the wardens split up and approached the group from opposite directions. When the wardens announced their presence, the group scattered and the wardens saw that one of the men was carrying a scoped black rifle. After several tense moments, the wardens were able to talk to the man and got him to put down the rifle. When the group was rounded back up, nine individuals from Oklahoma were found to be in possession of various types of fish, including 24 undersize crappie and 5 undersize channel cats. These were removed, measured, photographed and released.
A Hemphill County game warden and an Ochiltree County game warden observed a group of nine people in a remote section of Palo Duro Lake, upstream from the main lake in an area that is rarely used recreationally. Undetected, the two wardens approached the group on foot and saw various actions associated with possible illegal fishing activity. After watching the group for a while, the wardens split up and approached the group from opposite directions. When the wardens announced their presence, the group scattered and the wardens saw that one of the men was carrying a scoped black rifle. After several tense moments, the wardens were able to talk to the man and got him to put down the rifle. When the group was rounded back up, nine individuals from Oklahoma were found to be in possession of various types of fish, including 24 undersize crappie and 5 undersize channel cats. These were removed, measured, photographed and released.
-Swim at Your Own Risk
A Lubbock County game warden and a Deaf Smith/Castro/Parmer county game warden were patrolling Buffalo Springs Lake when they noticed two young girls trying to swim across the lake in an area with very heavy boat traffic. Both girls appeared to be very exhausted and were struggling to stay above water. The wardens quickly responded as one of the girls went underwater for an extended amount of time. The girl then surfaced as the patrol boat arrived at their location. Both girls were rescued and pulled aboard the patrol boat, then delivered safely to the shore. The wardens then took a moment to educate the very grateful girls about the dangers of trying to swim across the lake.
A Lubbock County game warden and a Deaf Smith/Castro/Parmer county game warden were patrolling Buffalo Springs Lake when they noticed two young girls trying to swim across the lake in an area with very heavy boat traffic. Both girls appeared to be very exhausted and were struggling to stay above water. The wardens quickly responded as one of the girls went underwater for an extended amount of time. The girl then surfaced as the patrol boat arrived at their location. Both girls were rescued and pulled aboard the patrol boat, then delivered safely to the shore. The wardens then took a moment to educate the very grateful girls about the dangers of trying to swim across the lake.
-Hand-y Fishing
A Smith County game warden was patrolling boat ramps around Lake Palestine when he saw three people in the water hand fishing. A fourth man was on the bank putting fish in the truck and watching the parking lot. The warden watched the fisherman from the bushes for about 45 minutes. When the last man came out of the water, he eased a snag pole to the man who was looking out, who quickly put the pole on the back of the truck. The warden made contact with the group and tickets were issued for no fishing licenses and for taking fish by illegal means and methods. The fish were returned to the water.
A Smith County game warden was patrolling boat ramps around Lake Palestine when he saw three people in the water hand fishing. A fourth man was on the bank putting fish in the truck and watching the parking lot. The warden watched the fisherman from the bushes for about 45 minutes. When the last man came out of the water, he eased a snag pole to the man who was looking out, who quickly put the pole on the back of the truck. The warden made contact with the group and tickets were issued for no fishing licenses and for taking fish by illegal means and methods. The fish were returned to the water.
-Abandon Ship
A Grayson County game warden was checking striper fishermen on Lake Texoma when he noticed smoke coming from a boat about three quarters of a mile away. The warden notified the local fire department and approached the boat. Two people had stopped their 16-foot jet boat and noticed smoke coming from the engine cover. The boaters attempted to put the fire out with their fire extinguisher, but the fire was too intense. The occupants put on their life jackets and abandoned the boat and a passing fisherman picked them up. The warden transferred the two men to his boat and transported them to a local marina.
A Grayson County game warden was checking striper fishermen on Lake Texoma when he noticed smoke coming from a boat about three quarters of a mile away. The warden notified the local fire department and approached the boat. Two people had stopped their 16-foot jet boat and noticed smoke coming from the engine cover. The boaters attempted to put the fire out with their fire extinguisher, but the fire was too intense. The occupants put on their life jackets and abandoned the boat and a passing fisherman picked them up. The warden transferred the two men to his boat and transported them to a local marina.
-In Tow
A Dallas County game warden and a lieutenant were patrolling Joe Pool Lake for water safety violations when they saw a boat towing a tube with a 12-year-old child well after dark. The wardens made the stop and determined that the driver of the boat was intoxicated and they arrested him for BWI.
A Dallas County game warden and a lieutenant were patrolling Joe Pool Lake for water safety violations when they saw a boat towing a tube with a 12-year-old child well after dark. The wardens made the stop and determined that the driver of the boat was intoxicated and they arrested him for BWI.
-Age is Just a Number
A Williamson County game warden saw eight teenagers walking down the road toward Lake Georgetown. They parked in a grocery store’s parking lot a mile from the lake and were "borrowing" a shopping cart to carry their ice chest and belongings. While discussing the shopping cart issue, the warden noticed another individual carrying an ice chest. When asked what was in it, the owner said there was nothing in it. The warden told him that it didn’t make sense to carry a brand new ice chest to the lake empty. When asked to open it, the teenager hesitated. But when asked a second time, it was discovered the ice chest was just a big container for his marijuana, pipe and a bottle of eye drops. After the teen was placed under arrest and told he was heading to jail, his response was, "But I’m seventeen."
A Williamson County game warden saw eight teenagers walking down the road toward Lake Georgetown. They parked in a grocery store’s parking lot a mile from the lake and were "borrowing" a shopping cart to carry their ice chest and belongings. While discussing the shopping cart issue, the warden noticed another individual carrying an ice chest. When asked what was in it, the owner said there was nothing in it. The warden told him that it didn’t make sense to carry a brand new ice chest to the lake empty. When asked to open it, the teenager hesitated. But when asked a second time, it was discovered the ice chest was just a big container for his marijuana, pipe and a bottle of eye drops. After the teen was placed under arrest and told he was heading to jail, his response was, "But I’m seventeen."
-“It Was My Dog’s Fault”
Two game wardens and a cadet filed multiple citations on an individual for violating the daily bag limit for white bass. The violator had 21 fish over his daily bag limit. He claimed it was his dog’s fault and that he needed to get a fish counter.
Two game wardens and a cadet filed multiple citations on an individual for violating the daily bag limit for white bass. The violator had 21 fish over his daily bag limit. He claimed it was his dog’s fault and that he needed to get a fish counter.
-Cedar Tree Helps with Traffic Stop
While patrolling county roads for hunting activity, a Burnet County game warden came across a truck that was having a hard time staying on the roadway. The truck then ran a stop sign and the warden attempted to stop it. The truck sped up, so the warden pursued the truck for 15 miles down several county roads. During the chase, the driver was throwing beer bottles out of his window. The truck crashed into a cedar tree, getting stuck, and the warden took the driver into custody. He was charged with evading arrest and driving while intoxicated.
While patrolling county roads for hunting activity, a Burnet County game warden came across a truck that was having a hard time staying on the roadway. The truck then ran a stop sign and the warden attempted to stop it. The truck sped up, so the warden pursued the truck for 15 miles down several county roads. During the chase, the driver was throwing beer bottles out of his window. The truck crashed into a cedar tree, getting stuck, and the warden took the driver into custody. He was charged with evading arrest and driving while intoxicated.
Tracer Rounds!
I stole this video from another blog (Liberally Lean), but it just fascinated me because I have never realized the ricochet could be that crazy of an angle! An I have never shot tracer rounds!
My dad posted this on Facebook and I thought it was pretty neat...we don't see the waterfowl like this here where I'm from in North Texas.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Dove Season
Dove season can not get here fast enough! There are not any hunting pictures or stories being sent to me, but I will do a little searching here soon to find something post worthy. Till then, take it easy and hopefully I will have something soon!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Echo Duck Call Tattoo
I really love to duck hunt, but that does not mean I am going to go get my favorite brand of duck call tattoo'd on my arm, or anywhere else on my body. Echo does make a great call, but from what I have gathered from their Facebook page, this guy isn't even apart of the Echo pro staff, just a good ol' duck hunter...But I have to admit, the shading of this tattoo really brings out the detail of the call! Tattoo Artist gets an A+ in my book!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Bucket Full of Redneck
A redneck with a bucket full of live fish was approached recently by a game warden in Central Mississippi as he started to drive his boat away from a lake.
The game warden asked the man, “May I see your fishing license please?”
“Naw, sir,” replied the redneck. “I don’t need none of them there papers. These here are my pet fish.”
“Pet fish??”
“Yep. Once a week, I bring these here fish o’mine down to the lake and let ‘em swim ’round for awhile. Then when I whistle, they swim right back into my net and I take ‘em home.”
“What a line of horse sh-t….you’re under arrest.”
The redneck said, “It’s the truth, Mr. Gov’ment Man. I’ll show ya! We do this all the time!!”
“WE do, now, do WE?” smirked the warden. “PROVE it!”
The redneck released the fish into the lake and stood and waited. After a few minutes, the warden said, “Well?”
“Well, WHUT?” said the redneck.
The warden asked, “When are you going to call them back?”
“Call who back?”
“The FISH,” replied the warden!
“Whut fish?” asked the redneck.
MORAL OF THE STORY: We may not be as smart as some city slickers, but we ain’t as dumb as some government employees.
You can say what you want about the South, but you never hear of anyone retiring and moving north.
Friday, June 7, 2013
DTK Waterfowl's DVD Promo
For those of you that don't know, I'm a duck guide, and I guide for DTK Waterfowl. Well, Jason Craig, the owner, has been telling me about his DVD he had made before I started guiding for him... and he wasn't joking, this is going to be one awesome DVD and will probably be sold at Cabela's and some other famous Outdoor retail centers. I hope I get to be in the next one...
And for those of you that don't think his hunts have ducks like this... he does, and it is glorious!
And for those of you that don't think his hunts have ducks like this... he does, and it is glorious!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Hunting Videos! (2 of 2)
Here are the next 6 videos that came up when I typed in "Crazy Hunting" on YouTube:
- ARROW AFFLICTION - Crazy Rabbit Hunting Clips
- Moose Hunting Footage You Can't Believe
- Crazy Crossbow Hunt - Deer 2012 (I have no idea what is happening here)
- Crazy Moose Hunt (close one)
- Crazy Hunting
- Crazy Python Hunting using Human Bait
Monday, June 3, 2013
Hunting Videos! (1 of 2)
I just decided to type in "Crazy Hunting" on YouTube and here are the top 6 videos that the search came up with:
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