I know some people that would probably fit in this category!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Things On My Mind!
- That golf course goose hunt was something else.
- I can't believe we had 81 entries for the hog contest this year. That is one heck of a payout, even for 2nd and 3rd places.
- I've changed up a couple of things on the site in case you haven't noticed. I added some tabs right below my banner to make it easy to contact me as well as an About tab. I felt like a 4th grader writing an essay about myself.
- One tab is for the Hog Contest... Next year people can sign up online and pay through PayPal with a credit card or bank account to make it a little easier. There will definitly be some awesome changes for 2014, maybe even t-shirts, I don't know! Let's just stay focused on 2013 for now...
- 298 days till duck season!
- Looks like this website will be hosting a Wise County Predator Calling Contest next year (24 hr.). I've got 2 friends helping me put it together and I think it will be a hit! More details to come...
- I heard rumor that during the Bridgeport vs. Decatur Basketball games, which were played here in Decatur on Tuesday, someone put ducks in the Bridgeport Basketball Bus, which happened to be the varsity girls. Nothing wrong with a little prank, but when it involves a duck, it can get pretty serious.
- There is even thought of us hosting a big buck competition next year, we just have to get all of our ducks in a row!
- Close call on a pig hunt!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Hog Contest Results - Day 2
After day 2 of the hog contest we already have all places filled...for now!
In 1st Place
Matthew Little and Jim Bob Little
195 lbs.
In 2nd Place
Michael Little and Brennan Williams
176 lbs.
In 3rd Place
Andrew Gage and Cason Caraway (2011 Winners)
168 lbs.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Golf Course Goose Hunt
We were invited to kill the geese off a golf course in Weatherford since they were tearing up their greens. It was a fun, but different kind of hunt. We managed 15 between 6 of us... Not one survivor!
EDIT: As I was leaving 2 more came in and were killed by the guys still there... 17 Total!
EDIT: As I was leaving 2 more came in and were killed by the guys still there... 17 Total!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Hog Contest Started Right
Didn't take the 2011 Winners, Andrew Gage and Cason Caraway to knock out 3 hogs opening day of the contest.
And don't be scared... These were all only 80 pounders and not worth being weighed!
And don't be scared... These were all only 80 pounders and not worth being weighed!
Wise County Goose Hunt
From an E-Mail:
"Goose hunt Sat morning killed 15 greater Canada’s in 20 min. Me, Amber, Jared and Jeremy hunted. Was a good hunt for wise county."
"Goose hunt Sat morning killed 15 greater Canada’s in 20 min. Me, Amber, Jared and Jeremy hunted. Was a good hunt for wise county."
That is one awesome hunt for geese in Wise County!
Weekend Hunts
Another Successful goose hunt by DTK with a Decatur crew.
They even managed to get a couple specks...I want one!
I guided this group through the last day of duck season. One heck of a final hunt for the year. Hurts me to know duck season is over!
Hog Contest Entries
This is one for the record books this year with 81 entries into the Wise County Hog Contest. Remember you only get 2 weigh-ins, and it is $10 for every weigh-in afterward. Good luck to all who entered and happy hunting! Contest ends on March 10 and stay tuned because I will post every rank change in the contest to let everyone know what they are up against.
Grandprize: $4050
2nd Place: $2430
3rd Place: $810
- Chase Chapman & Kyle Jenkins
- Chase Lasater & Fred Jones
- Donald Chapman & Tyler Chapman
- Chance Overton & Andrew Applewhite
- Cody Burkhardt & Heath Taylor
- Kyle Parker & Dylan Rottner
- Andrew Gage & Cason Caraway (2011 Winners)
- Scott Sherman & Jake Trotter
- Bobby Cocanougher & Travis Newkumet
- Heath Sparks & Chan Horn
- Jimmy Fulkerson & Buck (just Buck)
- Drake Harper & Brandon Myers
- Phillip Daugherty & Joseph Krebbs
- Bodie Cole & Jake Williams
- Joey Gardner & Hailey Gardner
- Mike Overton & Larry Lewis (2012 Winners)
- Joe Neil Henderson & Jason Cochran
- Jamie Stone & Michelle Stone
- Terry Martin & Kathy Martin
- Mark Montgomery & Katherine
- Randy Burkhart & Melinda
- Jacob Maxin & Logan Park
- Jamie Branscum & Kurt Bailey
- Cade Lamirand & Mason Hudson
- Dena Beard & Mike Tatsch
- Brad Bakker & Gary Clayton
- Cody Hale & Casey Hale
- Colin Dethlofson & Richard Portz
- Corey Lamar & Weston Ryon
- Ben Williamson & Randy Potter
- Kelly Baker & Chris Curry
- Curtis Truax & Michael Terrence
- Jessie DeLuna & Brandon Derrington
- Brant Hawkins & Raby Hawkins
- JJ Anderson & Curtis Anderson
- Mark Tuley & Thad Meador
- Mark Wilson & Mark Wando
- Johnny Lanier
- Jason Holley & Chris Griggers
- Preston Cone & Caleb Christian
- Matthew Little & Jim Bob Little
- Michael Little & Brennan Williams
- Mark Jones & Wade Jones
- Jerry Hawrylak & Bubba Griggers
- Eric Gage & Parker Slate
- Ethan Horton & Daniel Hutchins
- Kyle Bilby & Nick Bilby
- Matt Kasner & Chet Selz
- David Wilson & Logan Wilson
- Will Cowling & Zane Richey
- Joe Roberts & Decie Worthington
- Huey Stark & Chris Romines
- Heath Woodard & Levi Wallace
- Clint Wolfe
- John Huff & Summer Huff
- Casey McAden & Jeff McAden
- Colby Williams & Chad Huddleston
- Jason Posey & Chris Crow
- Michael Thomas & Reagan Thomas
- Chris Peck
- Bubba Mattison & Ryan Sessions
- Doug Angell & Walt Foss
- Lawson Harris & Layton Harris
- Herb Williams &Tony Rose
- Jeff Pinkerton & Robert Burnett
- Jason Jones & Cody Christian
- Joseph Willingham & Phillip Willingham
- Jeff Baldwin & Jacob Watson
- Neal Montgomery & Eric Wampler
- Brac & Brody Jones
- Jeremy Brown & Billy McCasland
- Dudley McCarty & Glen Clayton
- Randy DeWebber & Daniel DeWebber
- Forest Blackburn & Mike Swartz
- Brady murphee & Jerry Jones
- Jeremy Higgins & Aspen Higgins
- Charlie Davidson & Justin Heath
- Asa Johnson & AJ Johnson
- Thaine Laaser & Daniel Stewart
- Christopher Davidson & John Bradshaw
- Tres Poynor & Brian Loper
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Last Day To Sign Up
Sunday is the last day to sign up for the hog contest! Here's a pic of a huge one Johnny Lanier of Decatur got not long ago that I'm sure he wishes he shot during the contest... He's just warming up!
I will say that the turnout this year is unbelievable so far! Next year there might have to be some changes to make way for more people.
I will say that the turnout this year is unbelievable so far! Next year there might have to be some changes to make way for more people.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Scooter Scooter Scooter
I've got a buddy that is an avid hunter and fisherman... He does it all folks! I gotta have one of those hats! He has one of the best feeder pens I've ever seen...
Goose Bling
These Decatur guys have been on a little vacation in Lubbock goose hunting for the past couple of days. They have had awesome luck and managed to get their limit in geese and One of them managed to shoot a banded goose!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Things On My Mind!
- I don't know if you can tell or not, but I've started doing a little bit of advertising for some friends. Of course, I get a little something on the side, but hey, us hunters need to know where we can get some things done that involve our number one hobby!
- Carbon Express came out with a crossbow with the flexibility of an AR. It's not really my cup of tea, but it might be right up some of you guys alley. And Barnett came out with a new crossbow that shoots 410 fps... that's bookin' it!
- I used to have an AR-15, notice I said "used to"! Bummer!
- Duck season ends on Sunday... and it hurts! But goose season stays open till the 3rd of February for people on the west side of Hwy 35!
- My buddy was hired to rid 30-40 geese on a golf course next week. They said the geese are chasing the golfers while they are playing and chasing them while they are riding their golf carts. They shut down the course for a day next week just so they could be "taken care of". They will drive us down on golf carts and we shall have at it! I'm excited!
- 37 teams have signed up for the Wise County Hog Contest. That's $1850 for the winner so far, same as last year, but I imagine there will be more sign up by Sunday!
- After duck season is over, we would have guided quite a few hunts... enough that has put us over 1000 ducks for our clients after this weekend! That's a lot of ducks! Not many people like to eat them, but I have managed to find some pretty good recipes which include a stew (pretty darn good), grilled with thousand island marinade (marinate long and hard), and also wrapped in bacon and grilled! The stew is my favorite though... kids don't like it, but they don't like any stew!
- I'm ready for some more pictures to post too guys!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show takes place in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and is supposedly the largest show of it's kind. Due to recent events they banned all assault weapons for the expo, which has left their number 1 sponsor, Cabela's, pulling out of the event, saying, "After careful consideration regarding Cabela's business practices and the feelings of our customers, Cabela's will, unfortunately not have a presence at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show." Now, not only are they pulling their sponsorship, but they are boycotting it with some celebrity hunters! The NRA jumped on the bandwagon as well!
And for those of you who are familiar with Zink Calls and Avian-X, they just posted this recently on their facebook page.
"Zink Calls & Avian-X are officially withdrawing their support of the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show. We feel, just as many of you do, that our participation would be against everything we believe in and stand for as a company and an industry.
We apologize to our loyal customers and to our hunting community; we will certainly miss not seeing you this year. As hunters, sportsmen, and gun owners, our industry must stand strong together. Thank you for your continued support."
Good for them!
EDIT: The following have also pulled there sponsorship and showing at the Expo: Smith & Wesson, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Ruger!
Fun Hunt For DTK!
You can kind of see in this video what makes me enjoy duck hunting so much... The mornings are very peaceful, until the guns start going off!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Nice 10 Point!
A buddy of mine owns Rut Country Taxidermy in Boyd and is a faithful reader. He just had this one walk out the door that he finished up the other day! Very Nice!
Monday Morning!
- My uncle sent me a pic of a 22 Semi Automatic that was going for $2200 at Cheaper Than Dirt. Price sure is sky rocketing on those semi's! I think they are going for much less than that right now... but I could be wrong!
- I heard a lot of gunshots around me this morning... someone was doing some good!
- I'm a little late today.
- Wife didn't make it on the hunt Sunday or Monday morning. She likes to sleep and I don't blame her, after the 27th I will finally be able to get a full nights rest again.
- Not many other hunting pictures coming in, but here are some duck hunts from the past weekend. Hog contest really needs to hurry up and get here...
Friday, January 18, 2013
It's Friday... Not much Going On!
- I'm a little late posting today!
- Went down to 2K Pawn in Decatur the other day to see about some steel shot. They looked like they were ransacked by a mob of preppers... they didn't have one semi-automatic rifle on the shelf and most of their pistols were gone since the last time I went in!
- Wife just cancelled her duck hunt this Sunday due to a neck injury! I was looking forward to seeing her try and hold up a shotgun, too.
- It sure has been a while since Texas Parks and Wildlife has submitted any Game Warden Field Notes. It drives me insane because I heard they release them every week, but still can not find them after hours of intensive searching.
- I'm not much on politics, but I am much on guns... so to post this video of an anti-gun liberal being stopped down by a 2nd Amendment believer, isn't really my style, but I still think it's post worthy!
- For those of you who are up at 5 a.m. on Saturdays, there is a segment on 96.7 FM featuring Big Billy Kinder Outdoors for one hour. He basically lets you know everything going on with the outdoor world here in the DFW area. I met him once at a Tarrant County Sportsman Club, he was a great guy, he even announced our Wise County Ducks Unlimited Banquet on his broadcast.
- New DFW International Boat Show is coming to the Ballpark in Arlington. Rumor is they shut down the Dallas Boat Show because of it. It goes on from Feb 1 - 10.
- I have yet to kill a goose this year, and it is driving me insane! I've got a bone to pick with a Speck!
- Not many pictures being sent my way, so you may have to just read for a while... hopefully this hog contest will get everyone going again!
- I missed out on a chance at a fun little duck/goose hunt the other morning... they even went Prairie Dog hunting afterwards!
Alicia with DTK Waterfowl
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Hog Contest Warm Up!!!

Begins: January 28, 2013
Ends: March 10, 2013
50% of Total Entry Fees
30% of Total Entry Fees
10% of Total Entry Fees
-In order to be eligible to win, hog must be weighed within 24 hours of the kill at designated Wise County location.-Each team can only have 2 weigh-ins, $10 per weigh-in there after!
-Can be killed anywhere in the great State of Texas as long as it’s weighed within the 24 hour time allowed after kill.
-NO Trapping, NO Hog Dogs, NO Helicopters, & NO High Fence!
-Polygraph will be given for those who place.
*NO Late signups and NO B.S.!!!*
$100 per Team
2 Person Maximum
Kory Chapman
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Things On My Mind!
- Ducks will land in some of the least expected places!
- What a downpour we had this last week. We needed it, and so did the weatherman, he seems to be the one that catches all the hell about the drought.
- I've gotten to the point where I don't even shoot anymore when I guide duck hunts... I just try my hardest to get the other guys their limit, just hoping they can hit the target!
- Wonder how many people accidentally placed there mule deer tag on their white tail?!? I'm sure the numbers are higher than you think!
- Deer season is officially over (well, besides doe and spike)... but hog season is game on! Wise County Hog Contest is starting at the end of this month and you better put in by January 27th because there are no late entries. $100 per 2 man team. Call Kory Chapman (940) 210-9907
- Going to take my wife on a duck hunt this weekend. It will be her first time ever, and very possibly her last ever... it's going to be cold! Should be interesting!
- 126 pigeons...have you ever seen that many at once? (pic below)
- This taxidermist (Rut Country) over in Boyd had the coolest Hooded Merganser mount that I have seen... It was standing on a turtle shell. (have to scroll down his page and it will be on the left)
- Haven't heard of anyone around here shooting a banded duck this year. The odds aren't too great in this part of the country!
- For those of you who like the Game Warden Field Notes, this retired Florida Game Warden wrote a book about his 24 years of service. Working On The Wildside
Monday, January 14, 2013
Weekend Hunts!
Guided hunt by yours truly!
12's a limit... Gaddies and Ringers.
Andy Wood of Bridgeport, Texas
Reagan Hurd of Bridgeport, TX
"Daddy's Proud"
Sunday, January 13, 2013
One Crazy Hybrid Duck!
Jason Craig with DTK Waterfowl guided a great hunt this morning. One of the guys, who is very particular about which ducks he kills, managed to kill this Mallard-Wigeon-Gadwall-Greenwing Teal looking Hybrid. Turns out it is actually a Brewers Duck, which is said to be just Mallard x Gadwall mix! A very rare and beautiful duck which he will definitely hang on his wall!
Yellow bill and feet like a Mallard!
Head, wings, and tail of a Wigeon, but chest looks like a green wing teal!
Not to mention they killed 3 Greater Canadian Geese!
I really wish I would have guided that hunt!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The Triple Tragedy
This story is a little old, but still fascinating and sad at the same time!
Forester, Jason Good was surveying timber in Meigs County , Ohio , on November 12 when he stumbled upon a bizarre sight that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up: In a waist-deep pool of Leading Creek, nose-to-nose like fish on a stringer, floated three whitetail deer
Good spotted the deer from a distance and, at first, thought it was a single carcass."It was close to the road, and I figured somebody had poached a deer," he recalls. Even after a second look revealed two deer, he was about to walk away.
"I see dead deer in the woods all the time," explains Good, who measures timber for a lumber company."I almost ignored it until I looked again and saw it was three deer."
From the creek bank he realized he'd found "something -special" - not just three deer, but three bucks that appeared to have locked antlers.
"I sat there 20 minutes just looking at them, totally amazed, and it took that long to sink in what I was looking at," Good says. "I thought, 'If this is really what I think this is then I cannot screw this up.' I wanted to make sure everything was done by the book so the landowner got to keep these horns."
Good called the landowner, Brien Burke.
"He said,'Brien,I've found something on your property I've never seen before, and you've got to see it,'" Burke recalls."I'm thinking a murder, a meth lab, who knows? I said, 'Jason, just tell me what it is.' He says, 'It's three bucks locked up and they're floating dead in your creek.'"
Burke couldn't believe it. "I could see two, but three? I asked if he was sure and he said, 'Yes.' I drove down and met him. They were floating in the creek almost like three petals of a flower or something."
More of The Triple Tragedy Story Here! It's a long one!
Forester, Jason Good was surveying timber in Meigs County , Ohio , on November 12 when he stumbled upon a bizarre sight that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up: In a waist-deep pool of Leading Creek, nose-to-nose like fish on a stringer, floated three whitetail deer
Good spotted the deer from a distance and, at first, thought it was a single carcass."It was close to the road, and I figured somebody had poached a deer," he recalls. Even after a second look revealed two deer, he was about to walk away.
"I see dead deer in the woods all the time," explains Good, who measures timber for a lumber company."I almost ignored it until I looked again and saw it was three deer."

From the creek bank he realized he'd found "something -special" - not just three deer, but three bucks that appeared to have locked antlers.
"I sat there 20 minutes just looking at them, totally amazed, and it took that long to sink in what I was looking at," Good says. "I thought, 'If this is really what I think this is then I cannot screw this up.' I wanted to make sure everything was done by the book so the landowner got to keep these horns."
Good called the landowner, Brien Burke.
"He said,'Brien,I've found something on your property I've never seen before, and you've got to see it,'" Burke recalls."I'm thinking a murder, a meth lab, who knows? I said, 'Jason, just tell me what it is.' He says, 'It's three bucks locked up and they're floating dead in your creek.'"
Burke couldn't believe it. "I could see two, but three? I asked if he was sure and he said, 'Yes.' I drove down and met him. They were floating in the creek almost like three petals of a flower or something."
More of The Triple Tragedy Story Here! It's a long one!
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